Hey first off passionate LEAFS FAN ie hockey in general im from Pennsylvania so i have to buy direct Tv NHL center ice to watch games now adays and obviously i watch Leafs games when i was younger me and my cousing wold brave climbing on his roof to adjust the antenna so we could pick up a fuzzzy signal of Global and we would watch all Leafs games covered on it
Posts By: Tie Domi
Favorite Tie Moment – ME
My most memorable moment of tie was a game against philadelphia , and tie was mad at Sandy mc carthy [who?] for acussing him of calling him the n -word . Tie the man that he is, refused to ever fight mc carthy again.
Favorite Tie Moment – GJ
My most memorable Tie Domi moment was his fight in Madison Square Garden when he declared himself the heavyweight champion.
Favorite Tie Moment – MH
You can see the most memorial photo on his homepage. The “hardest guy” of the NHL hold the baby. The fans of the NHL always see the “Fighter” Tie Domi, but his much more than that. His is a guy which one is working hard all the time. He haven’t the talent of Spezza, Kovalchuck, Gretzky……, but he is always working hard on the ice. And that’s TIE DOMI….a real “playing” legend of LEAFS.
Favorite Tie Moment – KM
For some reason every time I hear ” Tie Domi ” This night crosses my mind…………
Favorite Tie Moment – RC
My most memorable monment was when Tie Domi came to the rescue at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto after sick children were taken advantage of during a very difficult time.
Favorite Tie Moment – BC
My most memorable moment of Tie Domi is when he signed his first big contract with the Leafs, for over a million dollars. At the news conference he was so excited and almost in shock to be signing for such a significant amount.
Favorite Tie Moment – DM
When Tie fought, I think it was Probert, and on the way to the penalty box he made a gesture with his hands across his waist as if he retained the heavy weight belt.
Favorite Tie Moment – DV
My name is dan vespi I am huge leafs fan, and domi fan, and i have to say my favorite tie domi moment was when he pulled the fan into the penalty box and beat him up that was classic tie domi toughness.
Favorite Tie Moment – FC
i would have to say my most memorable moment of tie domi would have to be tie`s first goal