Just before the Olympics when the team was in a real rut…Tie broke out and scored in a game where they seemed doomed to lose. He is not known as a top scorer but he proved to be a great team motivator who steps up to the plate when needed.
Topic: Fan Letters
Favorite Tie Moment – JP
Hi there!
This is my most memorable moment with Tie Domi. It is from all his charity.
Favorite Tie Moment – MS
My memorable moment of Tie was when he fought Rob Ray. These two combatants went at it everytime they met. Of course Tie won every time, but I give Ray credit for tapping Tie on the shoulder everytime the fight was over.
Favorite Tie Moment – FU
I think your greatest moment was when you were with the Rangers. It was the biggest thing of the year.
PROBERT AND DOMI 2. Man that was so exciting to watch, it gave me goose bumps as soon as I saw the gloves drop.
Favorite Tie Moment – AT
Favorite Tie Moment – KR
My most memorable moment was a few years ago in the playoffs when the leafs had a lot of players out, and Tie had a wonderful playoff and became more then just a fighter. Congrats Tie on your 1000 game hope there’s lots more with the Leafs. GO LEAFS GO
Favorite Tie Moment – KS
My name is Keara Shepherd and I am a leaf freak. I mean, I eat, sleep and breathe leafs! Of course, Domi is my hockey hero, so little but so bloody tough!
Favorite Tie Moment – SB
My most memorable moment of Tie’s career would definitely have to be when Tie laded a beating on Bob Probert and afterwards was skating around making gestures of himself wearing the championship title belt.
Favorite Tie Moment – MJM
About two years ago, my wife, 8 yr. old daughter at the time and 3 yr.old son, (Jack) attended the annual Leaf practice which the organization puts on for Leaf fans. Tie Domi has always been one of the favourites in this house and Jack was wearing his Leaf sweater at the practice, complete with number 28 and Domi on the back. We had arrived early enough to secure great seats along the rail by the penalty box. We were all excited when, during one of the drills, Tie was lined up right in front of us. We asked Jack, who was only about six inches away from Tie, separated by the glass, who that was. His face lit up and he yelled, “Tie Domi !!,”
Favorite Tie Moment – AN
The most memorble moment is on March 30 , 2001 when Tie Domi squirted water at fan from the penalty box. Then the fan fell throw the glass right into the penalty box.