My most memorable moment of Tie’s career would definitely have to be when Tie laded a beating on Bob Probert and afterwards was skating around making gestures of himself wearing the championship title belt.
My most memorable moment of Tie’s career would definitely have to be when Tie laded a beating on Bob Probert and afterwards was skating around making gestures of himself wearing the championship title belt.
About two years ago, my wife, 8 yr. old daughter at the time and 3 yr.old son, (Jack) attended the annual Leaf practice which the organization puts on for Leaf fans. Tie Domi has always been one of the favourites in this house and Jack was wearing his Leaf sweater at the practice, complete with number 28 and Domi on the back. We had arrived early enough to secure great seats along the rail by the penalty box. We were all excited when, during one of the drills, Tie was lined up right in front of us. We asked Jack, who was only about six inches away from Tie, separated by the glass, who that was. His face lit up and he yelled, “Tie Domi !!,”
The most memorble moment is on March 30 , 2001 when Tie Domi squirted water at fan from the penalty box. Then the fan fell throw the glass right into the penalty box.
My best memory of Tie Domi was when he fought Probert and won and pretended to wear the Championship belt, with hand gestures.
Tie Domi is not just a great athelete he is an amazing role model.
Although Gary Bettman wouldn’t agree, I thought the sweetest moment for Tie was when he laid out Ulf Samuelsson….A guy who deserved it soooo much.
I think that Tie Domi is the best player ever!! Its amazing that he has now played 1000 games.
I think that Tie Domi is the best player ever!! Its amazing that he has now played 1000 games.
I was once at a birthday party while my parents and their friends went to dinner. Tie was at the restaurant and after the birthday finished my parents took me to the restaurant. As I walked into to Noche I looked around I got so excited I yelled out there is Tie Domi a little loud. In the end I met Tie got his autograph and will always remember meeting one of my favourite hockey players.
My most favorite moment by far was the evening in Philadelphia when the Flyer fan enraged by Tie squirting the water bottle, fell into the penalty box and subsequently was pummelled by Tie who was fearing (?) for his safety.